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Metal Allegiance

Date: 1/23/25
Venue: House of Blues, Anaheim, CA
Review By: Jack Mangan


There is no false advertisement with this band. These four handsome blonde dudes swagger out on stage in their open leather tops and you know precisely what you’re going to get. Their stage backdrop reads “HIGH ENERGY ROCK N’ ROLL,” and that’s exactly what they deliver.
Since they don’t beat around the bush, I won’t either:
Wicked rocks.
Their retro Glam/Hair approach - - sans the tall Aqua Net locks - - brings metric tons of intensity, fun, and heaviness. They have gotta be the most California band ever to emerge out of upstate New York. They have the confidence, the chops, the songs, and the confidence to go places. If they’d been playing thirty-five years ago, i.e., before any of them were born, they’d have been headlining arenas.
I got to catch them two nights in a row: On Wednesday at the Metal Hall of Fame gala, doing a rollicking two-song song as part of the proceedings, then again on Thursday, at the Anaheim House of Blues as one of the openers for the Metal Allegiance show. Much credit is due to a Glam-adjacent Hard Rock band for hanging in and engaging a Thrashier-leaning Metal Allegiance crowd. They got plenty of hands in the air, and lots of audience appreciation before they were done.
Some important intangibles: I got to chat with them briefly backstage. Their confident demeanor does not translate to arrogance. These are down-to-earth guys who are happy to be there. Also: I noted that they all walked right out into the crowd for OTTTO’s set, directly after theirs, preceding Metal Allegiance. They weren’t out there seeking attention; they were there to support one of the other bands on the bill. In a business that can be kinda territorial, it’s good to see bands with this mentality.

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