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Jens Ludwig – Guitar for Edguy

Date: 3/1/09
Interviewed By: Rich Catino


1. Are you currently on the road with Edguy? What is the band up to?

JENS: Right now I am home. Edguy just got back from the World Tour Part 1, we just returned from Russia and doing some European shows, Brazil, Argentina, we played Ecuador for the first time, three shows in Japan, then one more show in Moscow, Russia, and now we have been home since last Monday.

2. Do you feel Edguy’s sound and style has become more “Americanized” over the course of the last two albums “Rocket Ride” and more so “Tinnitus Sanctus”?

JENS: Well I don’t know about “Americanized”. For us it’s the album we wanted to do and really the only reason I can see why people call it “Americanized” is maybe the down tuned guitars, haha. The only influence I think came from the tour we did with Aerosmith a couple years which was a big influence on us. I mean if these guys can still do it at 60 years old that’s definitely a kick in the ass for us.

3. Do you think Edguy has been influenced by the sounds of a Nickelback, Hinder, or a Shinedown?

JENS: No I don’t see that but I personally like those bands a lot. Tobi (Edguy singer Tobias Sammett) doesn’t like em, haha. But in terms of those bands I think they manage to write good song with a lot of power in their riffs and that’s something we have done with our new album “Tinnitus Sanctus”. But when we do an album we never have a master plan. We just show up at the rehearsal studio and start creating. I think Sascha Paeth (our producer) also had a lot of influence on the music because he is really into heavy powerful riffs so he had a lot on input as well.

4. Was there anything specific Edguy wanted to accomplish with “Tinnitus Sanctus”?

JENS: Yes of course…make a good record we would like to play live, hahaha. But yeah, I mean as a musician we always try to do new things with our music and I think if you look at Edguy’s discography we try something new with each album. That’s the only way to be honest in this business. I think the guitar work on this album is a bit different, modern heavy riffing is in a song like “Ministry of Saints”, the down tuned guitars. But I think the recording process was different this type, much more focused on the album like this time a single was not out prior to the albums release. It helped us to focus more.

5. Has your guitar gear (like amps, peddles, etc) changed much since Edguy got its start? Do you keep anything the same for either the studio or playing live?

JENS: Hahah, o yeah I have changed tons of equipment especially as a guitar player there is so much new gear coming out and you always try to perfect your sound. But when recording “Tinnitus Sanctus” I tried a Vintage Modern Marshall Amp and it is the best amp I have ever played through. Its great and has a lot of dynamics, you can play on one setting from clean to distorted depending on how hard you hit the strings. I think it gave “Tinnitus Sanctus” a great sound.

6. What dictated the tracklisting for “The Singles” compilation?

JENS: Well actually the record company (Nuclear Blast) in Germany, hahaha. Actually they came up with the idea to include all the songs that were previously released only on singles. So “The Singles” includes all the songs from the “King of Fools”, Lavatory Love Machine”, and “Superheroes” E.P.s. Many actually were meant to be on “Hellfire Club” and “Rocket Ride” but you know how that goes there’s sometimes more songs than there is room to fit on an album. So we are happy that all these great songs are all available on one album, its really like a brand new Edguy album, haha.

7. Tell about the content for the forthcoming DVD “Fucking With Fire – Live”.

JENS: It’s a show we recorded in 2006 in San Paulo, the show itself was good and we have a nice documentary included about Edguy but I gotta say this DVD doesn’t have too much bonus material like some have. Its just well done for what it is.

8. Any hidden Easter Eggs?

JENS: Haha, not that I know of. Our drummer is the DVD expert in the band he loves discovering those.

9. Shooting another promo video for “Tinnitus Sanctus”?

JENS: No, no…doing videos are really a waste of money especially here in Germany because the media doesn’t play this kind of music. But doing the video for “Ministry of Saints” was a good idea because we saw it as a trailer for the new album.

10. I’m gonna give you a few bands from the European Power Metal family and I’d like you tell me something about your fellow musical peers.


JENS: Well I am really interested to hear the new album especially after all the drama that went on before Timo Tolkki left. I know the guys and Timo (Tolkki) because he worked on Edguy’s “Vain Glory Opera” album. I think all the drama surrounding their separation was a bit over the top and unfortunate but I guess it served its purpose bringing attention to the band even though it was negative.


JENS: I actually just saw Hammerfall perform the other day so it was good to see them again. I mean I can’t say there is a Power Metal band I would say something negative about because like you said we are part of this family especially with Hammerfall because they have the same booking agent as Edguy. If you remember we did do some shows with Hammerfall in the States a few years ago which went great and last time we played the States it was with Kamelot. When we come back in September we wanted to bring another European band over with us but it just didn’t work out. But last time when we toured with Kamelot we were support and didn’t get to do a full set. When we come back in September it will be as headliners.

Gamma Ray

JENS: O…very good friends, we toured together, partied together (and that’s always fun). They are one of my favorites, love their music.


JENS: Yes, how can we forget them. They actually did a lot of touring with Gamma Ray last year and even came to the States. I know when that tour happened people we hoping for a Helloween reunion with Michael Kiske but regardless the last couple Helloween albums were great. I really like the first two “Keeper of the Seven Keys” and the third part “The Legacy” with Andi Deris singing.

Blind Guardian

JENS: Actually that was the band I grew up with. I was a member of their fan club in their early days. Their music played a big part in my life.


JENS: They actually just reunited. We know their former singer Andre Matos and played the States with them in Atlanta at the ProgPower festival in 03 I think it was.

11. Your profile on the Edguy website says you are a fan of The Simpsons animated cartoon. What do you think of Family Guy?

JENS: Well I think Family Guy is great but it is a very good copy of The Simpsons. I’m not a big fan of Family Guy, The Simpsons are my show, I have all the DVDs, stuff like that.

12. For the Tinnitus Sanctus Tour have you made any changes or additions to the setlist?

JENS: Yes we have, we are also playing about four off the new album. We have added “The Pharaoh” from “Tears of the Mandrake” and “Headless Game” again from “Theater of Salvation” but you know the more albums you have the harder it is to pick a setlist. You just have to try and play a little bit of everything and at least something from each album as well as the hits like “King of Fools”, “Superheroes”.

13. If you could pick your dream lineup for a festival, what bands would you have?

JENS: Definitely AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Aerosmith, I would like to have Nickelback, Disturbed, and Rob Rock I think is great. Rob is signing on the new Impellitteri album too.

14. Are you involved in any other projects aside from playing guitar in Edguy?

JENS: Not at the moment but I am actually working on a couple songs at home for myself but nothing interesting to talk about yet. But I hope everyone checks out the new Edguy album and we are looking forward to playing the States again. I know we are playing place that’s a little bigger than BB Kings this time. We are playing the Blender Theater in NYC.

Official website: www.edguy.net

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