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Fredrik Larsson – Bass for Hammerfall

Date: 4/14/09
Interviewed By: Rich Catino


1.  Tell us about the new album.  What direction did the band want to take the music?

FREDRIK:  I don’t think that there’s ever been an agenda on which direction we should take. I mean, of course we have frames and boundaries where the music must fit into but it’s 80’s Heavy Metal we’re talking about. The music comes from the heart and you pretty much know if it’s gonna fit or not. The new album, “No Sacrifice, No Victory” is definitely in the same vein as previous albums but I think the whole band had a big vitamin injection with me and guitarist Pontus as new members in the band.

2.  Did you have much input in either the songwriting or lyrics?

FREDRIK:  Not at all. I didn’t have anything ready when it was time to record, let’s see for the next one. I really don’t know if I’m able to write a good song or not but it’s fun to do some riffing.

3.  Were there any goals the band wanted to meet with the music on “No Sacrifice No Victory”?

FREDRIK:  Nothing special, just to do the best record we’ve ever done!

4.  Hammerfall have a very large fan base over seas.  Where does the band stand in America?

FREDRIK:  I don’t have any figures but I don’t think we’re selling that good in the US. I don’t think our kind of music is big at all in the US, you are more into “trendy metal”, if you know what I mean. Nothing wrong with that, I really like some of those bands but we don’t play that type of sound.

5.  Plans to tour the States in 09? 2010?

FREDRIK:  After the summer festivals we’re planning on doing something. Not sure if it’s going to be a long tour but definitely some shows! 

6.  Will you release another promo video in support of “No Sacrifice No Victory” and if so, what song?

FREDRIK:  I’m not sure of the plans but we’re going to release a second single from the album but I don’t think that it’s official yet. Keep your eyes and ears open!

7.  Why did you return to Hammerfall?

FREDRIK:  I never regretted that I left but at the same time there was no question about it that I would take the chance to return when I got the call. It felt so good to be back in the rehearsal with the guys and it didn’t feel like it was 10 years since the last time, more like 10 months.

8.  Did you follow the band’s career after you left? 

FREDRIK:  Oscar sent me a couple of records and of course I read about them in the magazines. It was great seeing that they were doing so good, I wished them all the best with their career.

9.  What are some of your favorite songs to perform live?

FREDRIK:  “Blood Bound” and “Hearts on Fire” is always great to play live and our new single “Any Means Necessary” is working really great as well.

10.  Plans to record shows for a live DVD?

FREDRIK:  There are always plans but I think we have released so many things during the last year and a half. The best of album “Steel Meets Steel”, the cover album “Masterpieces”, the DVD “Rebels With A Cause” with the story of HammerFall so far and of course the new studio album “No Sacrifice, No Victory”. I think it’s time for a live DVD and show the world the “new” HammerFall but maybe we have to wait a bit for that.

11.  What do you do with your time when you are not working with Hammerfall?

FREDRIK:  Right now HammerFall takes all the time and has done that since I started so maybe after this year I’ll be able to work on some projects…

12.  Involved in any other musical projects?

FREDRIK:  Yes, I’m involved in “DeathDestruction” with my good friends Henrik Danhage and Jonas Ekdahl from the band Evergrey and Jimmie Strimell from Dead by April. Old school Death Metal with a good beat and “melodies”.  Let’s see where that ends.

13.  What heavy metal bands do you listen to from today’s scene? For example, do you like modern thrashers Lamb of God or Children of Bodom, or the prog metal of Symphony X, Lacuna Coil, Dimmu Borgir’s black metal?

FREDRIK:  I listen to a lot of various bands, Children of Bodom, Mastodon, Disturbed, Opeth, Evergrey, Pain of Salvation, Slipknot, Meshuggah. A lot of Swedish bands but it doesn’t have to be Metal. A good song is a good song… I think it’s good to pick up things in various music, that’s what makes it good.

Official website: www.hammerfall.net

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