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Frost – Out in the Cold

Label: Mausoleum Records
Format: CD
Released: 2005
Reviewed By: Rich Catino

Seven Witches guitarist Jack Frost has another go at a solo record, making a collection of music that is a little more diverse than his first offering. Judging from the comic book style caricature of himself, along with Mr.Hoobers on the cover, Jack is obviously rather comfortable with the music he loves and writes. Musically this time it has even less in common with his main source of income Seven Witches. Both his musical arrangements and guitar playing have grown branching out even further from his usual old school way of writing a riff. He even has a touch of the country craze in the foot tapper “Peter and Me”.


As far as singers, Jack was able to mold and create the sound he wanted from the vocalists to be an appropriate compliment to his guitar playing and for each song. Take for example “Hell or High Water” done by Jersey's own Alan Techio of Hades, a darker tune, a little modern sounding without being trendy and even Jack wrote the music sounding very similar to Alan's old band Non Fiction. For “Wasted Love” sung by Ted Poley from Danger Danger, he brought out the best side to Ted that most have never heard, now he sounds more ballsy, stronger, and was able to hit and hold very strong notes.

“Crucification”, sung by Neil Turban is full on classic almost Speed Metal in nature with Neil turning out some screaming vocals reminiscent on his classic work on “Fistful of Metal” from Anthrax. “Covered in Blood” has some of the most paint peeling high pitched screams I have heard in a while done by Jeff Martin from Racer X and at first listen I thought of the 80's band Nitro, that's how psychotic he sounds. Jack also delivers and equally interesting guitar solo.

“Out in the Cold” features Terry Illous from XYZ and has a very singable chorus and a definite pseudo Dokken feel, all ready for radio. One of my favorites is a cover of “Sign of the Gypsy Queen”, originally done by April Wine, again features Ted Poley giving another solid performance and a track very suitable to his voice. The chorus and vocal harmonies are the highlight. “Hold on Loosely” by 38 Special is tackled vocally by Jack Frost himself. Both tracks contain a ton of melody, both in the chorus's as well as coming from the slew of guitar harmonies.

Other contributors to the music are Joey Vera of Armored Saint, Mike Lepond from Symphony X, and Mike Duda from Wasp playing bass, and Patrick Johansson from Yngwie's band playing drums.

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