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Mercenary – 11 Dreams

Label: Century Media
Format: CD
Released: 2005
Reviewed By: Rich Catino

With the Metal community populated by many bands incorporating various sounds and vocals styles to their music to break down the barriers between the genres, Mercenary appear to have become one of the faves. Take the title track which features Tom from Evergrey on vocals (oopps... my mistake). No really that’s a compliment, Mercenary singer Mikkel changes the quality of his voice for the track, less aggressive, darker, moody, and is why I make the comparison to Tom because he sounds soo much like him and has that tone also. Even the music, the chorus and especially the keyboard’s sound is very Evergrey sounding, a really strong song with accompanying chorus.


The band also have qualities of Devin Townsend, death metal vocals are used which obviously adds a different texture to the songs. 'RedestructDead' sees a few elements of today’s Metal arrangements at times, elements of God Forbid seeps in also in a few parts to the music’s changes. Vocals again on this track, which are more spirited than the title track, carry the song nicely and the guitar solo flourishes and a nice wicked scream to conclude the track.

Now on to 'Firesoul' which has a sharp razor vocal to start it off, then changing to something more smooth and consistent, then back to the fierce tone. On top of that guitar melodies are used along with a female voice, and the inclusion of a keyboard solo and lead.

Mercenary definitely are not afraid to experiment within their musical arrangements. Everything is rather cohesive and with so many elements it is all formulated to solid songs. "11 Dreams" features varied vocal tones, pounding rhythms and heavy guitars. They always find a place for melody within even the heaviest vocal delivery. If your afraid things may get to complicated and layered it does not, they figured out a way for balance.

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