Like many others from the local Jersey scene, Jimmy also plays no frills gritty, at times heavy, rock and already he has a good grasp of how to write solid riffs and arrangements.
‘Trampstamp’ (and with ‘FOF’) kicks things off with a fast drum beat and guitar riff. ‘Lemmy Up’ follows with a chunky riff, slower groove and moodier melody line in the bass and vocal. The verses are a bit flat but the chorus picks up the slack. ‘Go’ is your typical local area bar room rocker, pedestrian, and is unfortunately what makes this sound like an independent release.
Jimmy’s voice works well for these songs, giving the vocal more edge for ‘NK2’ and a little soul for ‘SuPaRaT’. ‘Adamar’ is a cool, solid instrumental jam with a 70s swagger.
Seems like Jimmy has an idea what direction to take the music but next time around I’d like to hear more consistency and maybe a couple hooks or an anthem.