"Ravenlord" title track kicks off the album on a slower pace with crunch and punch followed by the angry speed metal thrasher ‘Die Now’ that barrels through the countryside like a freight train. ‘Eyes of The Devil’ is such a Brainstorm arrangement (which is fine),I’m liking the steady bridge, punchy ass verses, melodic chorus, and very much Gus G type solo. More of an American/modern riff carries ‘Cross Of Lies’ and includes splashes of a darker vocal for added effect. ‘Hollow’ and ‘Wings Of Destiny’ keep up the consistency in style pulling back on the heavier vocal delivery focusing more on melody. Double bass drums ignites ‘Endless Fire’ (and ‘Damned Tonight’), two more killers, into headbanger fireballs. And a slightly sped up cover of Ozzy’s classic ‘Miracle Man’ closes out the album strong.
Good band, lots of power, solid tunes.