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Volture - On The Edge

Label: High Roller
Format: CD download
Released: 2013
Reviewed By: Mark Gromen
Rating: 7/ 10

Members of Municipal Waste, Twisted Tower Dire and other Richmond, Virginia area acts offer up a 38 minute, traditional metal debut through German label. Raw, simplistic, high pitched, early 80s sounding mindless fun: Grim Reaper for the modern age. A subtle begun ‘Brethren Of The Coast’ builds towards crescendo, rather than rattle the rafters right from the start, as do most of the nine aggressive compositions. ‘Heat Seeker’ is atypical of its surroundings, attempting to re-write “Too Fast For Love” era Motley Crue, complete with prominent ride cymbal. Heavy dose of Iron Maiden worship during the intro to the ‘Deep Dweller’ finale. As with most of these retro acts, the vocals make it or break it, and while definitely the weakest link, still enjoyable, warts and all (having lived through this roughness once before). Definitely a band I’d rather see live.


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