Their German-language, electronic-inflected death metal sound can't help but to remind American listeners of Rammstein, and I'd wager that the 90s/early 2000s sensations would be counted among their influences. Like R-r-r-r-ammstein, I think WBTBWB have some international crossover potential, although the heaviness of this band would keep them off of the American pop radio stations that love to slide ‘Du Hast’ into playlists between Nickelback and f**king ‘Enter Sandman’.
WBTBWBTWWBWBTBBBTTW (Sorry, got carried away) is a band that don't take themselves too seriously (if the name and hypno-cat didn't give that away). There a number of comedic voices and light-hearted, goofy moments amidst the aggressive churn of the music. If you can handle predominantly non-English lyrics and rompy moments in your songs, then I think you'll get a lot more out of this than I did. Hell, it could even be a welcome change of pace, if you're on a Doom kick. The repeated "bawp, bawp" in ‘Rockstar’ will strike listeners either as a fun laugh or a silly and off-putting distraction. I fell into the latter category, but it's otherwise an OK tune. Your mileage may vary.
The band's biggest strength is their sense of EDM-style groove, a skill which is sorely underutilized on "Wider Geil!" The result ends up being less of an Industrial Metal success, in the tradition of Ministry, Skrew, Godflesh, et al, and more a jarring patchwork of ill-fitting sounds.
Definitely check out the opening track and ‘Gib Mir Mehr’; if the rest of the album met this level of quality, rather than merely hint at it, this review would be a lot more enthusiastic.