Second track, ‘Monster At The End’, is carried by a descending rhythmic riff that Joey sings around before new guitarist Jon Donais just tears shit up, again, with fitting tasty lead work. Aside from Belladonna, Jon is what Anthrax needed to bring em back to their roots in the shredding department. Love the pounding drums and riffing for the title track, which again brings back the rhythmic change from the Bush era in the bridge, bridging the no so distant past, with the past, to create their present sound and direction. ‘Breathing Lightning’ starts with acoustic guitar and symbols, builds up the guitars and bass, drums, before kicking in with this awesome retro-“Among The Living” delivery for the verses. Then, it changes, bringing in the structure of moments from “The Sound Of White Noise” for the chorus. Excellent, punchy and melodic, with more great well thought out lead work.
"Suzerain", again, recalls Anthrax musical direction from 1993-2003, more contemporary in composition, which is more than suitable for Belladonna’s voice. ‘Evil Twin’ - such old school Anthrax in riff and delivery, especially the change pre solo. This one definitely brought me back to their 80s albums. ‘This Battle Chose Us’ has that “Spreading The Disease”/’Medusa’ heavy, mid tempo romp, catchy chorus. That’s a different kinda riff for Anthrax in ‘Zero Tolerance’, and once it kicks in almost could be something from “Fistful Of Metal’.
All around a great album. A bridge from their beginnings, to heyday, experimentation years, to which equals the present. If that doesn’t make it a well worth it purchase, “For All Kings” will be available in the following formats: Boxset (including Digi, Pic-2LP, poster, card, slipmat), 2CD-Digi (including bonus live CD).