The whole night feels dangerous and alive. You know this isn't your peak or where you want to find your true self-identity, but you're still a little buzzed and doing ok. The reckless fun and abandon of the evening are ok. You nod your head and dig the heavy music buzzing out of the speakers. It's a night of testosterone and lowered inhibitions and lessened politeness and the radio volume knob turned all the way to the right. That's kind-of what it's like to listen to Droids Attack.
Their "Sci-Fi or Die" album is the first must-have of 2016. They take simple, crispy, fuzzy blues-thrash riffs - - riffs that you and I would come up with in any given jam session - - and groove the shit out of them. It sounds a bit like "Kill 'Em All" might have, if Metallica had lured vocalist John Bush from Armored Saint and never hired on a lead shredder. I'd originally discovered this band through some hipster's smarmy one-line reviews of 2008's South by Southwest music festival. For Droids Attack, he'd said: "I can practically smell the beer sweat." I'm sure it was meant as an insult, but I think it was a good preparation for their brand of grimy, hard, hard rock. Almost a decade later, they're still employing the same methodology and still delivering on the heavy, unfiltered, unpretentious goods.