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Flotsam And Jetsam - Flotsam And Jetsam

Label: AFM
Format: CD Download
Released: 2016
Reviewed By: Rich Catino
Rating: 9/ 10

Being from Arizona, Flotsam were on the outskirts of the thriving west and east coast thrash scenes of the 80s. Regardless…they still made their mark with the debut “Doomsday For The Deceiver”. In 2016, it has been 30 years since, twelve studio albums (including this new one), and two more definite classics – ‘No Place For Disgrace” and “Cuatro”. Through the 90s and inconsistent activity, and music, a few moments between “My God” (2001), “Dreams of Death” (2005), and “Ugly Noise” showed musically things getting back on track. Fear not, all previous albums served their purpose, working out the bugs, leading to this thrash monster of a new self titled one. With again, a shuffling of the lineup, original singer Eric "A.K." Knutson with still guitarist ‘Michael Gilbert, now joined by Steve Conley on second guitar, bassist Michael Spencer, and the talents of Shadows Fall drummer Jason Bittner, has added a much needed kick in the arse to the arrangements.


‘Seventh Seal’ and ‘Life Is A Mess’ are what every Flotsam fan of the first two albums would want to hear – an urgency to the riffs and drums, tempo changes, thrash rhythms and grooves, and plenty of shredding. More of a contemporary riff starts ‘Taser’ and quickly picks up the pace and hits hard. ‘Iron Maiden’ (about the torture device, not the band), does have that band’s galloping verses and familiar lead work, while ‘Verge Of Tragedy’ uses more of a New Wave of American Heavy Metal structure, maybe an influence from their drummer who comes from said genre? In a Megadeth ‘Trust’- like fashion, ‘Creeper’ (great title), drums builds things to the verses and slows down the pace. So many times during ‘L.O.T.D.’, ‘’Monkey Wrench’ (too bad intro ‘Incantation’ was not just part of the song), and ‘Time To Go’ I was reminded of the memorable arrangements, dynamics and variety from “No Place For Disgrace”.

I’d say overall their most consistent (thrashy) album, best sounding production, since “Cuatro”. Excellent return, gentleman.

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